Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Welcome to my blog!

First, welcome to my blog. This is my first-ever web blog, so I guess I have now arrived in the midst of the 21st century along with everyone else!

I'm going to lay a few things out from the get-go:
First, I am a Republican. Yes, you read that correctly, I am a Republican. By most accounts, I am a moderate, but most liberals won't bother to make any distinction that people can and do come in different shapes, sizes and flavors. No, they like to paint with such a broad brush that they obscure everything else. Which leads me to my second item...

I am a San Francisco Bay Area native. I've lived here all my life and I will most likely be laid to rest here. There are some good things to be said about the Bay Area (great climate, varied culture, yadda yadda yadda) but there are just as many poor things to be said about it (too liberal for its own good, horrible traffic, parking hostile in The City, and the housing prices are outrageous!). I usually rant about how I live in the Communist State of San Francisco (our board of stupidvisors and district attorney are far too liberal for their own good). It's a constant battle trying to maintain my sanity in the midst of such stupidity and their overly taxing habits that it makes me want to scream (they want to tax just about everything, now they want to tax people on the use of plastic and paper shopping bags! But, I'm saving that for one of my other postings)! Most of the city's denizens don't fare much better, either. (To borrow from Disney's 'The Lion King,': "I'm surrounded by idiots...")

I will post other little tidbits about myself as well as my ruminations over the goings-on in this hotbed of liberalism (by the way, did I mention that I don't like liberals?).

And, although I dislike liberals (please note, dislike and HATE are two different concepts, do not confuse the two), I will still listen and I will try to be fair. If it's one thing I cannot be accused of is being unfair. I know, how can I possibly say and mean that when I say that I dislike liberals? Again, I may not or do not agree with them on many issues, but that doesn't mean that they can't have their opinions. That's the beauty of our country: You can have your own thoughts and opinions and you don't have to listen to them or agree with them.

Anyway, welcome to my blog.


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