Friday, November 26, 2004

California's Proposed Mileage Tax

Geez, now it's not only in San Francisco, but in the whole friggin' state, too! The folks at the Department of Motor Vehicles want to get rid of the fuel tax and replace it with a mileage tax. Yes, they want to tax you for every mile you drive! How's that for a kicker?
Sure, when we do drive our cars (or those gas-guzzling SUVs), we add wear and tear to the roads. There's no denying that. But, this goes beyond recuperating costs associated with the maintenance of said roads - this is hitting people in their wallets in the worst way. I mean, if you really want to drive people out of the state (literally), then just tax away!

This is where Democrats and Republicans are very different. Republicans try to put more of the money back in the control of the taxpayer. You earned your wages, you've paid lots in taxes already, now we're trying to give some of that back to you. Who knows how to better spend YOUR money than you? Whereas Democrats are constantly raising taxes or increasing the tax rates on whatever it is that we are already being taxed on. What ever happened to fiscal responsibility? Where did the money from the previous tax hike or newly created tax go? To their friends and special interests.

Willie Brown, former San Francisco mayor and Speaker of the Assembly for the State of California was well-known for that. During his mayorship, there were more special assistants on the city payroll than at any other time in the city's history. How's that for paying back your political friends? And at the expense of the local taxypayers no less? No wonder he was under investigation by the FBI at one point. He's as corrupt as any politician and also very slick at it, too. No wonder they gave him the monniker 'Slick Willie.' He knows how to play the game and how to cover his ass.

Really, when was the last time you ever got any money back under a Democrat's watch? Never! But, when we have a Republican in charge, they try to make sure that matters are fiscally sound. Also, I received a tax refund check in the mail. Let's see if a Democrat can claim that!
'Nuff said!


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