Monday, January 31, 2005

Watch out for those leftist liberals!

First, my apologies for such a long hiatus, but life had been keeping me busy until now. A very belated Happy New Year's to all, and now, let's get on with business!

I should start off with how great a moment in history it was that PRESIDENT George W. Bush was re-elected to a second term in office. And, to those who protested and pooh-poohed his inauguration: You can protest, you're allowed to - it's what makes America as great and as diverse as it is - but to ACCUSE him of "stealing" the election? I'm sorry, this is NOT the 2000 presidential election and there were no doubts as to the results of the November presidential election.

By denouncing the election and the inauguration, the leftists are sending out a clear message: We're sore losers! Yes, I am calling them sore losers. That's what they do when they don't get their way, they piss and moan, protest and make a lot of noise. In the end, they just drift away like so much detritus in the ebb and flow of life.

My 21-month-old son watched the inauguration on television with interest, not peeling his eyes off of the television. I explained to him that he was watching a great moment in this nation's history, when somebody who wins BOTH the popular election and the electoral college and then takes the oath of office. This is what is afforded to American citizens who are registered to vote - not to immigrants who are not naturalized or are illegal immigrants.

I've gotta say, the liberals really blow my mind. I don't know where they get the idea that illegal immigrants should be allowed to get driver's licenses and for new immigrants to be able to vote. While it is important for an immigrant parent to voice their concerns about their children's future and education, I do not feel that they are ENTITLED to have a say in the election of the school board when they are not fully vested legal residents. That is what the whole naturalization process is about. If they really feel that strongly about having a voice, then they should have no problem with going through the process of becoming naturalized citizens.

After all, they chose to move here, live here and work here. Nobody pointed a gun to their head and nobody twisted their arm to come to America. Since they work here, they are paying taxes and using public services just like everybody else. So, what's the problem? Why the hullaballoo about giving them a voice? Because it makes leftist liberals feel good that they've done some "public good." If you ask me, "What public good?"

By granting rights to those who haven't earned it, they are cheapening our democratic (not to be confused with Democrap) process. I feel that it would erode the checks and balances that we have in place that ensure that those who are entitled to participate (not in the liberal sense, but a legal sense) can participate. Do we want to allow criminals and other riffraff from other countries to further their own agendas? Presently, people must register to vote in order to participate in the electoral process.

While we are on the subject of elections: Again, I say to those who would protest the elections in Iraq as a sham and a "pretext for foreign interests to take over Iraq," you don't know jack and you don't have the right to complain when you consider what their people have been through. Also, it seems that the leftists have conviently forgotten what it means to be able to vote freely and without intimidation.

Case in point: An Iraqi-American was interviewed on the television news and he pointed out when they were living under Saddam Hussein's regime, their ballots were already checked 'Yes' for Saddam. It was either his way or no way. How would you feel, my dear leftist liberal, to have that choice predetermined for you? You wouldn't like it, would you? Then, shut up!

You're always complaining about how our national election was 'stolen,' how the vote was rigged, and this and that, but you know what? You should consider yourself fortunate that you CAN complain because if it were any other backwards country like Afghanistan, Iraq or even Iran, you would probably be shot for opening up your big mouth.

So, tell me, what would you say to the Iraqi who finally got to vote their conscience for the very first time? Would you dare say "fuck you" or "shame on you for voting in an election that is a 'sham'" to them for being able to vote? They'd probably tell you to go and naff off! (If you know where that term comes from and what it means, bonus points to you.)

In closing, I give a resounding "Hooray!" to the first free Iraqi elections and a big resounding "Screw you!" to the leftist liberals who have nothing better to do than to put down everything the president does (especially a Republican president). Come to think of it, if it were a Democrap president, they'd probably be hooraying him for having the "foresight" to do this and giving them kudos. Well, to heck with that! I KNOW that if it were a Democrap president (like Clinton and, if he were elected, John Kerry), they would probably have pulled out of Iraq due to public pressure and the strong desire to look good. And where would that leave us? Looking like weaklings who would bend under pressure and then it would open the doors to allow us to be stepped upon like bugs. If that's the kind of president the leftist liberals want, fine, they can have one - but not here in America!

Sometimes, doing the right thing isn't always the most popular or well-liked, but it's still the right thing to do nonetheless.