Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Wow, how about this for stupid?

I was driving in to work this afternoon when I spot a woman driving the wrong way down the street I just came down on. This street happens to be a one way street and it is clearly marked, not to mention that all the cars on the street are parked in only one direction.

As I was parking, I honk to alert her to the fact that she's driving the wrong way. No dice. She just looks at me as if I were some rude idiot honking at her for nothing. Well, I'm watching her through my driver's side mirror and I spot her pulling over to the side post haste halfway down the block when she sees the traffic that is coming AT her. Yes, the traffic from the other end of the block is now headed her way and she's probably thinking, "Uh oh, I'm driving the wrong way!"

She's forced to wait until the traffic passes before she can attempt to turn around and go the correct direction.

Now, had she paid attention beforehand, she could have avoided this entirely. But, no, she drove blissfully ignorantly until she saw that she could go no further. I think that had the traffic not come when it did, she would have driven all the way to the other end of the block and this is one very long block that I am on!

To exacerbate matters, she's an Asian driver. I can't say she's Chinese, Japanese or any other nationality because I can't tell just from looking at her face. But, this doesn't help the image for any Asian because they, as a group, have already earned the bad reputation for being bad drivers. I say earned because I have witnessed many of their bad habits firsthand.

A few days ago, I watched as an Asian driver was driving along Great Highway along San Francisco's Ocean Beach. He drove through two stop signs, barely paused at a third and then basically was forced to drive the limit and observe the traffic rules because of cars ahead of him and posted stoplights. What really irked me was that he didn't give a damn about observing traffic laws or the safety of others. This was the evening and it was already dark outside. If a pedestrian were crossing the crosswalk at the second stop sign when he ran it, they would have been seriously injured or possibly killed by the driver's apparent lack of concern.

In other examples of bad driving habits, I've seen them cut across multiple lanes of traffic at the last second just to make an exit with NO turn signal! Excuse the rest of us for not acceding to your desire to kill the rest of us who would dare get in the way! Or, how about this? In the Richmond district's New Chinatown, they drive a S-L-O-W 5 mph with no cars in front of them while cars behind them have to wait because they can't pass them. And, when they make right turns (if you can call it that), they don't use their turn signals and they STILL drive slowly even though there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk or cars in front of them! Even you must admit
that has to be very irritating.

Also, I have seen them double parking where they shouldn't be, blocking traffic in doing so, and flipping you off when you honk at them because they believe they are ENTITLED to do whatever the hell they want regardless of how they are inconveniencing others. This is what irks me the most: People who feel they are entitled to special treatment, don't give a f**k about others and think that rules don't apply to them or that they are above the law.

In my book, I call these people liberals. Why? Because they are the ones who whine, piss and moan the most when they are inconvenienced and want special treatment so that they don't have to deal with the same problems that everybody else has to. And when there's police involved, you can be SURE that they'll complain even louder to try and get their way. It's a pretty sad sight because they look like overgrown children throwing a temper tantrum. And when you hear a Chinese person doing the complaining, it's really hard on the ears. Take my word for it, I've heard it many a time in San Francisco's Chinatown and in New Chinatown and it's not pleasant.

Well, enough ranting for now.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Brooks said...

All Asians drive poorly making them liberals who whine about wanting special treatment and generally ruining the country for you good ol' white folk. I guess that's fair, you were here first. Or were you? Hmm.

Furthermore, you might consider that the special treatment in this country goes entirely to the wealthy republican class. Not to the poor trash in the south that votes republicans becuase you angered the racist nerve, but only to the landed gentry who can become an ambassador by merely stroking a check to the grand old party. Yes, the same people who were able (until this 1/1, thankfully) allowed to write off the cost of an SUV (up to 100k!) as a tax credit if they filed the tiny fee to start a 'small business'.

If you have it so bad, simply lock your self into your glass house, crank up the xenophobia, and buy a big bag of rocks. You'll need them.


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