Sunday, February 06, 2005

How biased is the media? Just read/watch the news.

I don't know if it's me or my imagination, but I just couldn't help but notice how the local San Francisco Bay Area media, especially the television stations, seem to refer to PRESIDENT George W. Bush as MISTER Bush.
However, when they refer to Bill Clinton, they always refer to him as President Clinton. For those who may not know, but once you are elected President of the United States (POTUS), you have that title for life. So, it seems that the media have a convenient case of amnesia when it comes to addressing people despite (or is that in spite of?) their proper title.
This is all the more disturbing for me because I used to be part of the media that I am criticizing at the moment. Although I worked as a photojournalist, I was a journalist nonetheless. When I was an intern at a newspaper in Texas (it shall go unnamed because I know how people's past can come back and bite them in the ass), I was covering a Republican breakfast where Phil Gramm was the featured speaker.
At the time, I didn't quite understand their consternation with the media and why they constantly accused them of liberal bias. Now, several years later, I do understand their angst and do not blame them for feeling the way they do. In fact, I feel a certain amount of indignation at the media for its selective handling of stories where politics are concerned.
Case in point: When state senator pro tem John Burton was stepping down, the media only talked to state senate Democrats. They never talked to any of the Republicans for their thoughts or feelings on the retiring of somebody the likes of Burton. Did they feel happy? Sad? Yes, he was a constant thorn in the side of Republicans, but I'm sure that even he had a few friends on the other side of the aisle. Nobody is THAT insular in politics, no matter what color their stripes.
And, what about when it comes to the media's attribution of problems that the state faces? They seem to focus on how Republicans are the problem, not the solution. And, when they cover the Democraps, it's always to bolster the position that Republicans are definitely the problem.
I still recall how people wanted to pin the blame for the whole Oakland Bay Bridge budget fiasco on Governor Schwarzenegger, even though he really had nothing to do with it since he wasn't even in public office at the time. Then (gasp!), it was revealed that CalTrans actually HID their findings so that the project would look good on the table. Gee, did anybody issue an apology or a correction on who they assigned their blame to? NO!
If I were to make a mistake, I own up to it. It's unlike me to pass the blame on to someone else when something goes wrong because, hey, if the project/issue/whatever the heck it is was assigned to me and me alone and something goes awry, how in the hell would I be able to pin the blame on someone else? Wouldn't that look really stupid? Besides, that's not how my parents raised me. They raised me with common sense, a sense of decency, honesty and propriety and also a solid work ethic. That comes irrespective of political alignments. You screw up, you face the consequences.
One of my co-workers made a really huge mistake a little over a month ago and had to own up to his error. Unfortunately, that also meant that he lost his job as a result of it. But, there would really be nobody else to put the blame on because nobody else would have made the mistake that he made. I cannot go into details because: 1) They are not here to defend themselves, 2) It is a personnel issue and I don't want to smear them, 3) It is now in the past. My point is: Democraps love to pin the blame on everybody else but themselves, especially Republicans.
Going back to the Bay Bridge budget fiasco example: They won't own up to their errors and lies because it's better to let somebody else take the fall. Republican governor? Let's blame him! If Gray Davis were still in office, they probably wouldn't say anything and the problem wouldn't come to light until they absolutely had to say something about it to the public. They would probably be in collusion over the whole problem. This is a HABITUAL pattern for liberals and Democrats - hiding things until it cannot be hidden anymore. Does anybody remember the Clinton-Lewinsky incident that led to MISTER Clinton's IMPEACHMENT? If anybody say, "I don't remember that." I'm going to say you're full of crap and that you have selective amnesia, which would prove my point that Democraps only remember things when they have to and would blame somebody else for their maladies.
Now, I know I got way off track here from talking about liberal media biases, but do you see how it snowballs from there? It's lie, upon lie, upon lie. It bothers me a lot how I used to buy into that and how I was a part of that machine.
It's no wonder so many people are cynics of the media. And you know what? We Republicans would be correct to be cynical about the media.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yup, spot on.

I grew up in the Bay Area, and it was a liberal infested nightmare. That area, besides L.A., has to be the biggest den of liberal hype to exist.

I'd read the Merc, and after I left and moved down to San Diego, I realized how flippin' biased it was. I mean, over the top.

Of course, I am just a lying Republican, because there is no such thing as a liberal media.



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