Friday, December 03, 2004

Just so we're all on the same page...

If you've read my blog so far, you're probably wondering, "If he's ranting about how other people are stupid, how about the fact that he can't spell?"

First, it should be known that I can spell. When I chose the name for my blog, it was already taken by somebody else and I wanted it to stay as close to the original sound/meaning of the title as possible. Somehow, ihatestewpidpeople, ihatestewpidpeeple or ihatestupidpeeps would not carry the same weight and would probably detract from the whole blog altogether.

Also, in my own opinion, deliberate misspellings doesn't make things right or cute, it's just plain stupid. I mean, come on, do we really want to foster a generation where it's acceptable to misspell words? Would you take somebody seriously if they wrote a business letter that started:

"Yo, Homie,

Whazzup, dog? Jus chillin here in Linkin Park, killing time and yadda yadda yadda...

Peace, Out!
Lil Dunce"

Please, do us a favor and use the spellchecker! It would make life so much easier if they did.

I just had to include this so that I could get it off my chest.


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Tio Jaime said...

sweet merciful crap, i couldn't have said it better myself!

i'm a stickler for grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. the only thing i'll let slide in informal writing (like blogging and posting) is capitalization. not that it's too much trouble to reach for that SHIFT key, i just elect not to unless absolutely necessary.

love the blog so far, will peruse it in greater detail when i have the chance. probably lunchtime.



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