Monday, February 07, 2005

Why? Because I'm entitled to, that's why!

Here's another shining example of how liberals feel that they are above the law:

I was driving through San Francisco's Marina District in the morning when all of a sudden a pedestrian, wielding his cup of Starbucks coffee, pops out from between parked cars in the middle of the block. He gets irate because I didn't stop and yield to him as I was driving through on Chestnut Street.

Oh, excuse ME for not yielding to YOU, your worshipfulness!

He lamely tries to flip me off with his hand that is cradling his cup of coffee (he's got what looks like his dry cleaning in his other hand) and yells at me.

Now, I don't know about you, but since when did they make JAYWALKING legal? And, since when was anybody ENTITLED to just do whatever they want whenever they wanted and bitch at others all because we didn't please them?

I think that Mr. Kaka-for-brains should be the poster-boy for liberals who feel that you should get down on your knees to them and let them walk all over us. Bwaaahahahahahaaaa!!!

Well, to that, I say, "Yarbles! Big bolshy yarblockos to you!" (Bonus points to those of you who know which book/movie that quote comes from. Name the book/movie title, the character who said it and who they are saying it to.)

So, my response is: No, you are NOT ENTITLED to jaywalk in the middle of the block; no, you are NOT ENTITLED to get irate because I didn't stop for you; and, NO, you're NOT ENTITLED to bitch at me because you had to wait an extra ten seconds because I didn't stop myself from running you over! If you'd rather I run your stupid ass over and take your idiotic genes out of the gene pool, then please, DO step in front of me as I bowl you over with my vehicle!

Stupid-ass liberals...


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey moron, what in the experience you just described shows that this jay-walking genius is a liberal? Is it that he had Starbucks (a big business that puts small businesses out of bussiness, aka Republican) in his hand? Or the fact that he flipped you off (ok, I see your point here, if he were Republican he would have dropped the coffee to flip you off)? Additionally, I am going to venture a guess...The "vehicle" you mentioned is a LARGE gas guzzling SUV that has never seen so much as a gravel driveway, which many of my relatives are fighting in Iraq to put gas into.

My suggestion, next time hit him and you can go to jail and see just how great those prison budget cuts really are!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Brooks said...

I believe that you mean well, I really do. I've read your entire blog. You misspelled conveniently in your "Watch Out For Those Leftist Liberals" rant. But hey, we all make mistakes, even the Enlightened Despot republicans like yourself. It's cute how you say Democraps instead of democrats. I bet you still think that's pretty funny. Ever wonder if your friends and co-workers smile politely and grimace inwardly at your lame sense of humor? I don't wonder.

It's all so clear now. This country is a mess because the liberals lied and cheated and defamed your glorious leader. How could I have believed it was such a complex issue? You've made it so easy. Republicans: right, everyone else: wrong. Got it.

But wait, where does all that ridiculous corporate crime fit in? Aren't we being ripped off? And what about the environment? I really thought we should have decent air to breathe and water to drink. I'm so confused. I guess I'm still having trouble reducing the complex needs of 295 million people to a party line.

Now, I'm no democraT. And I'm certainly not a republican. But the fact that you want your infant to view W's inauguration as a great moment in history scares me. Period. No need for satire. You = scary parent. Have you taught him to goose step yet?

If the media is so unfriendly to Mr. Bush, (I wouldn't even give him that courtesy. He's sorely underqualified to lead a boy-scout troop, let alone an economic superpower.) perhaps you should retreat to the warm snuggly feeling that only Bill O'Reilly can provide when he denounces anyone who cares to disagree with him as a nut or an idiot. This isn't about republican vs democrat. I think you are dangerously narrow minded. Not all republicans, of which I have good friends, but just you. If you wish to discuss any of these matters further, I'm all ears.

When I go to pick up my dry cleaning at the Liberal Laundry (has a nice ring to it, don't you think?) I'll be sure to look both ways before getting run into the pavement by your Hummer H2.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Edmund said...

[WARNING: My response to comments made on my posting(s) is a VERY LONG one! But, it should make for good reading. Read on!]

In response to Flare of the Archangels: You're right, I don't live in England. Or Europe, for that matter. There, I am quite aware of the fact that one does take their life into their hands when crossing a huge street. This is especially true in many parts of Italy, France, Germany and, yes, England as you were kind enough to point out.

I guess you may have thought that I originally came from there from my use of certain words or terms that are common there. I was born and raised here in the United States, so I am a full-blooded American.

As to the ANONYMOUS poster: Nice touch, flaming me ANONYMOUSLY. At least the other two people identified themselves (even if through their blog handle) and made no bones about their position. If you wish to comment, you are free to do so. I don't mind that. Nay, I expect that! So, thanks for taking the time to read it! But, at least be man enough to show your face (read: your handle) if you are going to do so. Hiding tells me that you've lots to hide.

It appears that I need to repost my very first posting in my blog (or, you can go and read the archives for my very first posting in 11/2004). I did state that I am a fair-minded person who will listen to other people's perspectives. What you read is just my own perspective (a.k.a. rantings, hence my blog's title) and is open for discussion. While I may not agree with or like liberals, that does not mean that I will not listen to the other side. To date, I haven't had many comments at all, and it's been a rather singular argument thus far. If they can construct a good, solid argument, then more power to them. That's what debate is all about.

Yes, I do rail against liberals and Democrats in my blog. In this case, I will say that I am entitled to because it is my platform that I choose to use just as you're entitled to rail against me or anybody/anything else you choose to in your blog. Like I said, that's what makes this country great: You CAN say what you want and not get dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and disappear until your body is found three days later. This happens a lot in the Eastern European bloc where political dissidents are frowned upon and dispatched.

And, just so you know, I do not drive a Hummer or any other gas-guzzling SUV. I simply am not a rich person. I cannot fathom pumping $50 in gas each time I go to fill up the tank. Rather, I drive a minivan with which I can take my entire family out (inluding my parents) and not clog up the streets with an extra car, thus hogging up an extra parking space.

Additionally, what makes you think I'd be stupid enough to want to hit somebody in the first place? Even I enjoy my freedom to be out and about and enjoy life with my family.

Also, the reason why I state that he is a liberal is that our Marina district is filled with them. Heck, most of San Francisco is liberal! They vote largely Democrat because they feel that it's better to have a Democrat in office who will tax them and spend their money like it's nothing and then tax them again the next time there's a tax initiative on the ballot. Because I have lived here most of my life, I am qualified to say this. You don't live here (or do you?), therefore, you do not know what you are talking about. I suggest that you do your homework first.

Finally, to Mr. Brooks.: Thank you for your comments. As I stated above to Mr. Anonymous, I may not like liberals or Democrats much, but that doesn't mean that I won't be fair. Please read my first posting in 11/2004 in the archives.

In response to your comments, I, too, would like to have clean air and water available, and there are some things with which I do NOT agree with President Bush. In my first blog posting, I state that I am a moderate Republican, not an ultra-right wing conservative. I am conservative in many respects, but not all.

By the same token, I do feel that there are limits to how many restrictions we place on businesses before we drive them out of the country to go and pollute somebody else's back yard. Yes, much can be done. Much remains to be done, but too much done can just as easily undo a lot of good things like having jobs and giving businesses (big and small) incentives to stay here.

I haven't watched the Bill O'Reilly show, so I can't comment on that. I've only recently begun to listen to the radio talkshows as a lot of what I comment on comes from the newspaper and broadcast television.

No, I have not taught (and will not teach) my son to goose step. I do not view him as a Nazi, nor do I even come close to idolizing Nazis or neo-Nazis. When I said that the inaugural ceremony was a great moment in history, I was trying to point out to him that when we have something as important and as momentous as this happen freely and without fear or intimidation (as it is in other countries such as Iraq), then it is a great thing.

Let me ask you, though, Mr. Brooks. What if we had said the same thing during President Clinton's inauguration? What would your feelings/opinions be then? Probably the same. Don't pee on our parade, we won't pee on yours.

But, many leftists chose to protest, which is fine. That is allowed under our Constitution. But, the line was crossed when they started throw things at the motorcade. Then, after they were arrested, they wanted to accuse the police of using excessive force? I think they're full of crap. That's the same tactic they used during the IMF/WTO meeting in Seattle and they created all sorts of mayhem and directly disobeyed police orders to disperse. Failure to obey such orders opens them up to whatever means are necessary to restore order, so I feel no sympathy for them at all.

Am I a scary parent? I disagree with your assessment. You don't know me except from that one post. Have you read my other posts? We have yet to meet and talk in person. Therefore, that overgeneralization that my being a Republican and considering the inauguration a great moment = scary parent is grossly mistaken.

I use the term Democraps as a piece of flippant humor. Nothing more, nothing less. But, I won't go into a long diatribe defending my choice of syntax. I didn't find the misspelling you spoke of, so I don't know where you got that from.

Thank you all for your comments. Open dialogue is something we should not take for granted, yet it is every day. While I may not agree with all of you, you're still welcome to comment on my postings whenever it strikes your fancy.


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